Categories Librabry Apps

Televisiones de Mexico 7
Categories Librabry
Con esta app podras ver la LISTA de todos lastelevisiones que emiten en Mexico.Esta app pretende ser una referencia para los amantes de laTelevision mexicana.Descubre que canales emiten por la Television Digital Terrestre, ocuantos canales de paga existen.En esta lista aparecen canales como "De Pelicula", "ESPN","Univision Deportes", "Galavision", "Canal de las Estrellas" o"Azteca 7".Además podrás saber en que plataformas emiten, también sedetalla en que Ciudad esta la sede de los canales, que tematicatiene cada canal y a que grupo de audiovisual pertenece.Esta aplicacion pretende ser una guia consultiva para queconozcas todas las televisiones de Mexico.ATENCION: Esta app no sirve para ver ningun canal de Televisiononline o en streaming.Solo pretende ser una guia consultivaATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can'twatch online TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you can seethe List of all television broadcasting in Mexico.This app is intended as a reference for lovers of MexicanTelevision.Finds channels broadcast by the Digital Terrestrial Television, orhow many there are pay channels.This list is ranked channels as "De Pelicula", "ESPN","Univision Deportes", "Galavision", "Canal de las Estrellas" or"Azteca 7".Plus you'll know which emit platforms also detailed in that Cityis the headquarters of the channels, each channel has thematic asaudiovisual group belongs.This application aims to be an advisory guide for you to meetall televisions of Mexico.WARNING: This app does not work for any TV channel or streamingonline.Only intended as an advisory guideATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can notwatch TV online.This apps has Consultive purposes only.
Televisão do Brasil 2
Categories Librabry
Com esse aplicativo você pode ver uma lista detodas as TVs no Brasil.Esta lista de emissoras de televisão do Brasil inclui asemissoras e redes de televisão aberta e canais televisão porassinatura que atuam no Brasil. A atuação dessas emissoras no paíssão reguladas pelo Ministério das Comunicações e pela AgênciaNacional de TelecomunicaçõesEste aplicativo serve como uma referência para os amantes datelevisão brasileira.Localiza canais transmitidos pela Televisão Digital Terrestre, oucanais de televisão por assinatura.Esta lista é classificada como canais como "Globo", "Record","ESPN Brasil", "Premiere Futebol Clube", "Sky" ou "HBO".Além disso, você vai saber que emitem plataformas tambémespecificadas na cidade é a sede dos canais, cada canal tem comotemática grupo audiovisual pertence.Esta aplicação tem como objetivo ser um guia de aconselhamentopara você conhecer todos os televisãos do Brasil.AVISO: Este aplicativo não funciona para TV streaming.Apenas pretende ser um guia de aconselhamentoATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can'twatch online TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you can seea list of all TVs in Brazil.This list of television stations in Brazil includes broadcastersand broadcast television networks and pay-TV channels operating inBrazil. The performance of these stations in the country areregulated by the Ministry of Communications and the NationalTelecommunications AgencyThis application serves as a reference for lovers of Braziliantelevision.Located channels transmitted by digital terrestrial television, orpay-TV channels.This list is ranked channels as "Globe", "Record", "ESPNBrazil", "Premiere Football Club," "Sky" or "HBO".In addition, you will know that issue also specified platformsin the city is the seat of the channels, each channel has the themeaudiovisual group belongs.This application is intended as a counseling guide for you toknow all televisãos Brazil.WARNING: This app does not work for TV streaming.Only intended as a counseling guideATTENTION: This Apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can notwatch TV online.This Apps only has consultive purposes.
United Kingdom TV Channels 7
Categories Librabry
With this app you can see the List of alltelevision channels and Stations in United Kingdom.This app is intended as a reference for lovers of UKTelevision.Finds channels broadcast by the Digital Terrestrial Television, orhow many there are pay channels.This list is ranked channels as "BBC One", "Channel 4", "ITV","Sky 1 HD", "Sky Movies" or "Sky Sports 1 HD".You'll know which platforms broadcast each channel also detailedin what City is the headquarters of the channels, thematic asaudiovisual group belongs.This application aims to be an advisory guide for you to meetall televisions of UK.ATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can notwatch TV online.This apps has Consultive purposes only.
Televisiones de Colombia 7
Categories Librabry
Con esta app podrá ver la LISTA de todos lastelevisiones que emiten en Colombia.Esta app pretende ser una referencia para los amantes de laTelevision colombiana.Descubre que canales nacionales se emiten, si se emiten porinternet o no, o cuantos canales regionales o de ciudades hay, ypor supuesto vea los canales por subscripcion.En esta lista aparecen canales como "Caracol", "RCN", "CanalVallenato", "Claro Sports Colombia", "Win Sports" o "Cinema".Además podrá saber en que plataformas emiten, también se detallaen que Ciudad esta la sede de los canales, que tematica tiene cadacanal y a que grupo de audiovisual pertenece.Esta aplicacion pretende ser una guia consultiva para queconozca todas las televisiones de Colombia.ATENCION: Esta app no sirve para ver ningun canal de Televisiononline o en streaming.Solo pretende ser una guia consultivaATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can'twatch online TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you can seethe List of all television broadcasting in Colombia.This app is intended as a reference for lovers of ColombianTelevision.See that national channels are broadcast, if issued by internet ornot, or how regional or cities channels there, and of course seethe channels subscription.This list is ranked channels as "Caracol", "RCN", "CanalVallenato" "Sure Sports Colombia", "Win Sports" or "Cinema".You can also find out which emit platforms also detailed in thatCity is the headquarters of the channels, each channel has thematicas audiovisual group belongs.This application aims to be an advisory guide to know all thetelevisions of Colombia.WARNING: This app does not work for any TV channel or streamingonline.Only intended as an advisory guideATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can notwatch TV online.This apps has Consultive purposes only.
Televisiones de Peru 1.5
Categories Librabry
Con esta app podras ver la LISTA de todos lastelevisiones que emiten en Peru.Esta app pretende ser una referencia para los amantes de laTelevision peruana.Descubre que canales emiten por la Television Digital Terrestre, ocuantos canales de cable peruanos existen.En esta lista aparecen canales como "TV Perú", "ATV", "LatinaTelevisión", "CMD", "Monterrico TV" o "ESPN".Además podrás saber en que plataformas emiten, también sedetalla en que Ciudad esta la sede de los canales, que tematicatiene cada canal y a que grupo de audiovisual pertenece.Esta aplicacion pretende ser una guia consultiva para queconozcas todas las televisiones de Peru.ATENCION: Esta app no sirve para ver ningun canal de Televisiononline o en streaming.Solo pretende ser una guia consultivaATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can'twatch online TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you can seethe list of all television broadcasting in Peru.This app is intended as a reference for lovers of PeruvianTelevision.Discovers channels broadcast by Digital Terrestrial Television, orhow many Peruvians Cable channels exist.On this list are channel "TV Peru", "ATV", "America TV", "CMD","Monterrico TV" or "ESPN".Plus you'll know that emit platforms, also detailed in that cityis the seat of the channels, each channel has thematic asaudiovisual group belongs.This application is intended as a consultation guide for you tomeet all televisions Peru.ATTENTION: This app is not used to view any TV channel orstreaming online.Only intended as an advisory guideATTENTION: This my doen't stream any TV channel. You can notwatch TV online.This apps have Consultive purposes only.
Télévision en France 1.1
Categories Librabry
Avec cette application, vous pouvez voirlaliste de tous chaînes de télévision en France.Cette application est conçue comme une référence pour lesamateursde la Télévision française.Découvre que les chaînes nationales sont diffusés sans paiementsontlibres ou, si elles sont émises par Internet ou non, oucombien dechaînes régionales ou villes là-bas, et bien sûr voirlasouscription des canaux.Chaînes apparaissent sur cette liste comme "TF1", "BeINSport","Canal +", "Discovery Channel", "MCM" ou "Nickelodeon".Vous pouvez également découvrir quelles plates-formesémettent,également détaillée dans cette ville est le siège descanaux,chaque canal dispose thématique que groupeaudiovisuelappartient.Cette application est conçue comme un guide pour leconseilconnaît tous France Télévisions.AVERTISSEMENT: Cette application ne fonctionne pas pouruntéléviseur ou en ligne.Seulement conçu comme un guide de conseilATTENTION: Ce doen't mon flux de toute chaîne de télévision.Vousne pouvez pas regarder la TV en ligne.Cette apps ont uniquement à des fins de consultation en.With this applicationyoucan see the list of all TV channels in France.This application is designed as a reference for lovers ofFrenchTelevision.Discovers that national channels are broadcast without paymentarefree or, if issued by Internet or not, or how manyregionalchannels or towns out there, and of course see thesubscriptionchannels.Channels appear on this list as "TF1", "BeIN Sport", "Canal+","Discovery Channel", "MCM" or "Nickelodeon".You can also find out which platforms emit, also detailed inthiscity is the seat of channels, each channel provides thatthematicaudiovisual group belongs.This application is designed as a guide for the board knowsallFrance Télévisions.WARNING: This application is not working for a televisionoronline.Only intended as a guide boardATTENTION: This doen't my feed any TV channel. You can notwatchTV online.The apps are only for consultation in.
Televisiones de Venezuela 7
Categories Librabry
Con esta app podrá ver la LISTA de todoslastelevisiones que emiten en Venezuela.Esta app pretende ser una referencia para los amantes delaTelevision venezolana.Vea que canales emiten por señal abierta y en la televisiondigitalabierta, y por supuesto vea los canales de subscripcion.En esta lista aparecen canales en abierto como"Venevisión","VTV", "Meridiano TV", "TeleVen" y canales detelevision porsubscripcion como "Fox", "TNT", "Paramount Channel","NationalGeographic Channel", "Discovery Channel", "Sport Plus","DirectvSports Venezuela", "ESPN" o "Venus"Además podrá saber en que plataformas emiten, también sedetallaen que Ciudad esta la sede de los canales, que tematicatiene cadacanal y a que grupo de audiovisual pertenece.Esta aplicacion pretende ser una guia consultiva para queconozcatodas las televisiones de Venezuela.ATENCION: Esta app no sirve para ver ningun canal deTelevisiononline o en streaming.Solo pretende ser una guia consultivaATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. Youcan'twatch online TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you canseethe List of all television broadcasting in Venezuela.This app is intended as a reference for lovers ofVenezuelanTelevision.See which channels broadcast over the air and on the opendigitaltelevision signal, and of course see subscriptionchannels.This list is ranked Freeview as "Venevision", "VTV","MeridianTV", "TELEVEN" and by subscription TV channels as "Fox","TNT","Paramount Channel", "National Geographic Channel""DiscoveryChannel", "Sport Plus", "Directv Sports Venezuela","ESPN" or"Venus"You can also find out which emit platforms also detailed inthatCity is the headquarters of the channels, each channel hasthematicas audiovisual group belongs.This application aims to be an advisory guide for who knowsallTVs Venezuela.WARNING: This app does not work for any TV channel orstreamingonline.Only intended as an advisory guideATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You cannotwatch TV online.This apps has Consultive purposes only.
Televisiones de Ecuador 1.7
Categories Librabry
Con esta app podras ver la LISTA de todoslastelevisiones que emiten en Ecuador.Esta app pretende ser una referencia para los amantes delaTelevision ecuatoriana.Descubre que canales emiten por la Television Digital Terrestre,ocuantos canales de pago o por cable o satelite existen.En esta lista aparecen canales como "Ecuavisa","Teleamazonas","Cable Deportes", "Ecuavista Telenovelas", "RTS" o"Telerama".Además podrás saber en que plataformas emiten, también sedetallaen que Ciudad esta la sede de los canales, que tematicatiene cadacanal y a que grupo de audiovisual pertenece.Esta aplicacion pretende ser una guia consultiva paraqueconozcas todas las televisiones de Ecuador.ATENCION: Esta app no sirve para ver ningun canal deTelevisiononline o en streaming.Solo pretende ser una guia consultivaATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. Youcan'twatch online TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you canseethe List of all television broadcasting in Ecuador.This app is intended as a reference for lovers of theEcuadorianTelevision.Finds channels broadcast by the Digital Terrestrial Television,orhow many pay channels or cable or satellite there.This list is ranked channels as "Ecuavisa","Teleamazonas","Cable Sports", "Ecuavista Telenovelas", "RTS" or"Telerama".Plus you'll know which emit platforms also detailed in thatCityis the headquarters of the channels, each channel has thematicasaudiovisual group belongs.This application aims to be an advisory guide for you to meetallTVs Ecuador.WARNING: This app does not work for any TV channel orstreamingonline.Only intended as an advisory guideATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You cannotwatch TV online.This apps has Consultive purposes only.
Australia TV Channels 1
Categories Librabry
With this app you can see the List ofalltelevision channels and Stations in Austrlia.This app is intended as a reference for lovers ofAustraliaTelevision.Finds channels broadcast by the Digital Television Channels, orhowmany there are Pay Television Channels.This list is ranked channels as "ABC", "SBS HD", "7Digital","Movie Extra", "ESPN" or "FOX SPORTS".You'll know which platforms broadcast each channel alsodetailedin what City is the headquarters of the channels, thematicasaudiovisual group belongs.This application aims to be an advisory guide for you to meetalltelevisions of Australia.ATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You cannotwatch TV online.This apps has Consultive purposes only.
Televisão em Portugal 1.1.1
Categories Librabry
Com esse aplicativo você pode ver uma lista detodas as TVs no Portugal.Esta lista de emissoras de televisão do Portugal inclui asemissoras e redes de televisão aberta e canais televisão porassinatura que atuam no Portugal. A atuação dessas emissoras nopaís são reguladas pelo Ministério das Comunicações e pela AgênciaNacional de TelecomunicaçõesEste aplicativo serve como uma referência para os amantes datelevisão do Portugal.Localiza canais transmitidos Via Terrestres, canais Via Satélite,Canais Regionais na Net ou Canais móveis (telemóvel).Esta lista é classificada como canais como "RPT", "SPORT TV","TVC1", "TVCine", "FOX Movies" ou "ABC Family".Além disso, você vai saber que emitem plataformas tambémespecificadas na cidade é a sede dos canais, cada canal tem comotemática grupo audiovisual pertence.Esta aplicação tem como objetivo ser um guia de aconselhamento paravocê conhecer todos os televisãos do Portugal.AVISO: Este aplicativo não funciona para TV streaming.Apenas pretende ser um guia de aconselhamentoATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can't watchonline TV.This apps only has consultive purposes.With this app you can seea list of all TVs in Portugal.This list of television stations in Portugal includes broadcastersand open channels and television networks pay-TV operating inPortugal. The performance of these stations in the country areregulated by the Ministry of Communications and the NationalTelecommunications AgencyThis application serves as a reference for lovers of television ofPortugal.Located transmitted via terrestrial channels, Satellite channels,regional channels on the Net or mobile channels (mobilephone).This list is ranked channels as "RPT", "SPORT TV", "TVC1","TVCine", "FOX Movies" or "ABC Family".In addition, you will know that issue also specified platforms inthe city is the seat of the channels, each channel has the thematicaudiovisual group belongs.This application is intended as a counseling guide for you to knowall televisãos of Portugal.WARNING: This application does not work for TV streaming.Only intended as a counseling guideATTENTION: This apps doen't stream any TV channel. You can notwatch TV online.This Apps only has consultive purposes.